Public Land Use Preferences

An interactive mapping site for public participation in national forest planning

Welcome! Thank you for your interest in my project. The purpose of this project was to develop a web application to encourage public participation in the public land planning process. Many areas of public land have the potential for multiple uses, for example the same land could be used for both logging and recreation activities, and the ways in which those land use types are designated has the potential to spark conflicts between communities, stakeholder groups, and public agencies.

This interactive mapping application allows participants to draw shapes on a map of a national forest to indicate locations of preferred land use types and the values that those areas represent to them. Participants may also view input from other users in real time. A spatial analysis of the data input by participants identifies areas of potential conflict based on incompatible land use types.

The goal of this project is to demonstrate how an online interface may be used to collect information from interested parties, which can be used to anticipate conflict during national forest management planning. This would help improve communication between communities and public agencies, increase efficiency in the forest planning process, and ultimately reduce land use conflict.

To see how the application works, please press the 'Start Mapping' button below!

Disclaimer: The mapping application is intended as a prototype, and any data collected will not be used in any decision making processes.
Warning: Due to the public nature of this website and the application, and any user can input data and the shapes drawn may contain offensive content.