Land Use Preference Mapping - Instructions
The map below shows the Colville National Forest in Washington State. Draw shapes on the map to represent places where you prefer certain land use types, select any values that you associate with those spaces, and add comments. Land use types that you indicate as 'No', (ex. 'No Recreation'), will appear outlined in red.
- Pan and zoom to the location where you want to draw, by clicking and dragging the map and using the mouse wheel or the +/- buttons to zoom in.
- To draw a polygon, select the polygon tool and single-click on the map to add vertices. Double click to finish the drawing. To draw a rectangle, select the rectangle tool and click and drag on the map. Release the click to end the drawing.
- A popup box will appear when you complete your drawing. Select a land use type (required) and any values (optional) that you attribute to the space from the drop-downs. You can also add a comment.
- To edit the shape, click the 'X' button at the top of the popup. Click the edit tool and click and drag vertices, then click save.
- To delete a shape, click the Cancel button at the bottom of the popup, then click the delete button and click on the shape, then click save.
- To submit your drawing, click the Submit button at the bottom of the popup. Once you click Submit, the data will be sent to the database and you will no longer be able to edit the shape or data.
- When you are finished, scroll below the map and click FINISH to go back to the home page or SEE WHAT OTHERS ARE SAYING to see the data others have added!