In [1]:
#creating and deleting paths:
#using requests to download data from URLs:
#using arrays to download a list of URLs:
#reading zipped shapefiles:
#listing feature classes:

import os #manipulate files and paths
import arcpy #Esri data management
import zipfile #manipulate zipped files
import io #work with input/output
import requests #requests allows you to download large files without consuming a lot of memory
import shutil #shutil supports file copying and removal

#list of tuples of counties and download URLs
urls = [('Benton', ''),
        ('Clallam', ''),
        ('Ferry', ''),
        ('Franklin', ''),
        ('Grant', ''),
        ('GraysHarbor', ''),
        ('Island', ''),
        ('Jefferson', ''),
        ('King', ''),
        ('Kittitas', ''),
        ('Lewis', ''),
        ('Mason', ''),
        ('Okanogan', ''),
        ('Pacific', ''),
        ('Pierce', ''),
        ('SanJuan', ''),
        ('Spokane', ''),
        ('Thurston', ''),
        ('Yakima', '')]

#create temp folder for workspace
work_path = r'<PATH>\temp' #this would be changed if you wanted a different location
print('Temp folder created')

#set workspace
arcpy.env.workspace = work_path

#create file GDB
gdb_folder_path = r'<PATH>' #this would be changed if you wanted a different location
gdb_name = 'counties.gdb'
arcpy.CreateFileGDB_management(gdb_folder_path, gdb_name)

print('Geodatabase created')

#define lists to add failed download and extracts to
download_failure = []
extract_failure = []

print('Beginning data download...')

#function for downloading and extracting parcel shapefiles
def county_download(url):
    path, url = url
    response = requests.get(url, stream=True) #'get' the URL. set stream to true to only dowload one file at a time
    if response: #if county shapefile download succeeds
        try: #try to extract the contents of the zipped folder
            zipshape = zipfile.ZipFile(io.BytesIO(response.content))
            zipshape.extractall(work_path + '\/' + str(path)) #extract to folder with same name as county
        except: #if it is a bad zip file, add it to the extract_failure list
    else: #if error code is returned/download failed, add it to the download_failure list

#run the county_download function for each county's URL in list
for x in urls:

#print lists of failed downloads and extracts
print('Failed downloads: ' + str(download_failure))
print('Failed extracts: ' + str(extract_failure))

print('Data download complete!')

print('Exporting to geodatabase...')

#create list of county folders in the temp downloads folder
import os
FileDirectoryPath = work_path
files = []
files = [f for f in sorted(os.listdir(FileDirectoryPath))]
#print(files) #optional to list the county folders in the temp downloads folder

#create list to append failed exports to
export_failure = []

#function for exporting each shapefile to the gdb
def county_export(i):
        arcpy.env.workspace = work_path + '\/' + str(i)
        gdb = r'<PATH>\counties.gdb' #this would be changed if you used a different location to create the gdb
        fc = arcpy.ListFeatureClasses()
        for shp in fc:
            inFeatures = shp
            outLocation = gdb
            outFeatureClass = str(i)

            #export shapefiles to gdb
                arcpy.FeatureClassToFeatureClass_conversion(inFeatures, outLocation, outFeatureClass)

#run county_export function
for i in files:

#print list of failed exports
print('Failed exports: ' + str(export_failure))

#delete county folders
print('County folders deleted')
print('Script complete!')
Temp folder created
Geodatabase created
Beginning data download...
Failed downloads: [('Ferry', '')]
Failed extracts: [('King', '')]
Data download complete!
Exporting to geodatabase...
Failed exports: []
County folders deleted
Script complete!
In [ ]: